Pink Blooms and Polka Dots

Life has been crazy lately and the blog has gotten pushed to the back burner quite a bit. I felt like I had to make cuts with the things I spent my time on and it made total sense to me that the blog needed to be a lot lower on my priority list for awhile. I've come to realize that even though there will be times that I don't have as much time to invest in it, it's important to keep it going. It's such a great creative outlet and a fun way to gather my thoughts and connect with people that I'd probably never get to meet during the usual day to day activities. 

For a few weeks in the Spring, Tampa was in full bloom! It was absolutely gorgeous! (Even though it had me sneezing quite a bit.) I found this outfit shoot on my camera memory card and realized that I hadn't shared it. I love this outfit but the blooms are reason enough to post. 

Thank you for reading!